Shelby County Fair Livestock Complex Fund

Help build a new multi-livestock & youth development facility to support our future leaders

Let’s build a new livestock facility together.

Partner with community leaders, fair families, and the Shelby County Agricultural Society to fund a new multi-livestock & youth development facility.

The complex will house cattle and other livestock during the week of the fair and will be used to promote agriculture youth development in our community throughout the year.

Make your Impact.

Support our 4H & FFA members by making a gift today to ensure our youth programs continue for future generations.

Make a donation.

By clicking the button below, you will be taken to the Community Foundation donation page. Please scroll down and select the “Shelby County Fair Livestock Complex Fund” from the drop down menu.

Make a pledge.

To submit a pledge over one, two or three years, please download our pledge card and submit to the Community Foundation of Shelby County - 100 S. Main Ave. Suite 202, Sidney, OH 45365.

Recognition Levels

  • Platinum


    Naming rights of building

  • Gold


    Plaque on outside of building

  • Silver


    Plaque with tiered recognition inside building

  • Bronze


    Plaque with tiered recognition inside building

  • Blue Ribbon


    Plaque with tiered recognition inside building

Approximately 1,275 Shelby County youth are actively engaged in 4-H and FFA annually.

4-H and FFA provide students with countless opportunities to develop their career readiness skills through over 200 different projects and provide students the autonomy to "create their own" experiences with self-determined projects to follow their passions and interests.

About the New Livestock Complex

The current Beef and Dairy Barns were built in 1940 and are currently limited in their usability and functionality.

Current Beef and Dairy Barns

Proposed New Multi-Livestock Complex

The Shelby County Fair Livestock Complex Committee and the Shelby County Agricultural Society, Inc (Senior Fair Board) are pursuing the construction of the multi-livestock complex due to the age of the facilities and their direct impact on the youth in Shelby County.

In March 2023, it was determined that the 25,200 sq ft multi-livestock complex will be located over the footprint of the current Beef and Dairy Barns. Additional entrances to the facility will allow for an increased flow of fair attendees and livestock exhibitors while ensuring adequate ventilation for livestock projects. This educational facility will allow livestock exhibitors to maximize their 4-H and FFA experiences during the week of fair and is versatile in its design for other uses outside of the traditional fair week.

Fly-through rendering of NEW Shelby County Fair Livestock Complex
